Hey Google, how much wood a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
"I don't have an answer, but I'm always learning."
Of course it is always learning, which leads me to the discussion on Security and Home Automation. I think Home Automation is wonderful, it is the way of the future and may make Mankind a bit more lazier in the process. With that comes the risks, risks of people and organizations listening into what was once considered private conversations within your own home,(Alexa, Google Home) and being able to control certain aspects of your lives (Chromecast, Nest, Hue..etc).
With all of this new data and a new way for corporations to interact with consumers it leads a new methodology for what is allowed or not and what is considered true privacy or invasion of privacy with these devices.
I own many Home Automation devices and enjoy the added functionality of literally telling a small box to turn on or off my TV or Lights. What a wonderful time to be alive, but at what cost?
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