This is a small journey in my recent headaches of Windows Server 2016 and updating. I had the opportunity to work with a fresh Windows 2016 Version 1709 copy of Windows. I was super stoked was ready to use it to install some wonderful microsoft services and then BAM. 0% Downloaded, Updates Available. Hmm. Ill let it sit for a few hours (cause that whole waiting for a kettle to boil thing) and come back. Still nothing. Finally, go digging: - Restarted the box. - Restarted both BITS and Windows Update Service - Wiped out the SoftwareDistribution folder under %windows% What's next? I have no clue. I am hoping that I will be able to come back to this post with the answer. Until then thats that. Found the issue. Dont disable Windows Firewall Service in Server 2016 1607. Once it was re-enabled and still Firewall disabled, Windows update started to work. Who'd knew?!
Worldbuilding is difficult. It is great for the imagination but depending on the complexity it can be hard on the head. The intent with this post is to share a few items that may make your worldbuilding experience a bit easier in the event of trying to build an open-world concept in DND 5E. 1. Create a Map. If its colored, even better. If its labelled with numbers or city/village names that is even more beneficial for the players. 2. Create a thought web. This is similar to when you are writing a story or wanting to hit certain main plot points, get that out first and then fill in the blanks between. 3. Involve the players. Figure out what makes their story archs tick. Get them to give you something that you can use, whether that is a tragic backstory, what makes them tick or even where they are from. Let the players fill your environment and help develop it. 4. Take some time to develop your story. It doesnt all happen overnight. If it does, congrats but from what I have seen in t...